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Yuusha-chan no Bouken wa Owatteshimatta! – Episode 1

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You are currently watching Yuusha-chan no Bouken wa Owatteshimatta! – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 331 people watched this episode.

Yuusha-chan no Bouken wa Owatteshimatta! – Episode 1

Studio: Not available

Alternate Title: 勇者ちゃんの冒険は終わってしまった! 第一話 夢か幻か! 無敵の勇者ちゃんに迫る魔の手

Release Date: 2025/02/28

The hero who defeated the demon king and brought peace to the world was getting all cocky! She easily dealt with the remnants of the demon king's army. "I won't level up anymore, but I'll do my best for the world!" But recently, the hero seems to be having strange dreams. It's a nightmare in which the invincible hero is defeated by the demons and raped at will. Even though she knows it's a dream, the taste of pleasure that feels so real in her chest, her private parts, and her whole body wears down her mind. And then the source of the nightmare appears. By the time she realizes its true identity, it's too late. With her body engraved with pleasure, there is no way to resist it. The hero, whose LV is at its maximum, has a nightmare every night. Is the pleasure that she feels so real in her chest, her private parts, and her whole body a dream or reality? The hero's mind wears down every time she wakes up. 魔王を倒し、世界に平和をもたらした勇者ちゃんは、すっかり調子に乗っていた! いまだ残る魔王軍の残党など片手間に処理してしまうのだ。 「もうレベルは上がらないけど、世界の為に頑張りますか!」 けれど最近、勇者ちゃんは妙な夢を見るらしい。 それは、無敵の勇者ちゃんが魔族に敗れ、好き放題に○される、という悪夢。 夢だと分かっていても、その胸に、秘部に、身体中に、あまりにもリアルに感じる快楽の味に、勇者ちゃんの精神は擦り減っていく。 そして現れる、悪夢の元凶。 正体に気づいたところで、もう遅い。快感を刻みこまれた身体では、抗うすべなどないのだった。 LVがカンスト状態の勇者ちゃんが、毎夜見る悪夢。 その胸に、秘部に、身体中に、 リアルに感じる快楽は夢か、現実か? 勇者ちゃんの精神は、眼を覚ます度、擦り減っていく。

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