You are now watching Futsuma Shoujo Charlotte – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV
You are currently watching Futsuma Shoujo Charlotte – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 25739 people watched this episode.

Studio: Majin Petit
Alternate Title: 祓魔○女シャルロット 第一話 聖衣、着装!エクソシスト、シャルロットが悪霊を祓う!
Release Date: 2024/09/27
町外れの廃工場で肝試しをする同級生たち。彼らを追ってきた近衛瑞樹だが、目の前に本物の悪霊が現れた。 その瞬間、瑞樹はシスター姿に変身し、悪霊たちを次々と滅していく。 そう、彼女の正体はエクソシスト、シャルロットなのだ! 現れた悪霊の親玉は、なんと悪魔だった。可愛い見た目に反して恐ろしい術を扱う彼女こそ、上級悪魔メルキス! 「我慢なんてダ~メ♡ 気持ちよくなっちゃいましょ~♡」 メルキスに心を操られた同級生たちに襲われるシャルロット。武器を失い、抵抗もできない彼女だが、その瞳にはいまだ反逆の炎が燃えている。 修道服を淫らに破り捨てられて、たわわな果実を弄ばれるシャルロットを、メルキスは愉悦の眼で見下ろすのだった。 「聖衣、着装!」の叫び声が空気を震わせる。 形の良い胸が揺れ、突き出される尻。 光の中から現れた銃を左手に握り、同じく現れた剣を右手に握る。 気高き女祓魔師は、その5分後に白濁に塗れることになる。 The classmates are testing their courage at an abandoned factory on the outskirts of town. Konoe Mizuki has been following them, but a real evil spirit appears before them. At that moment, Mizuki transforms into a nun and destroys the evil spirits one by one. Yes, her true identity is Charlotte, an exorcist! The boss of the evil spirits is actually a demon. Despite her cute appearance, she uses terrifying magic and is a high-ranking demon named Melkis! "Don't hold back♡ Let's get good♡" Charlotte is attacked by her classmates whose minds have been manipulated by Melkis. She has lost her weapon and can't resist, but the flames of rebellion still burn in her eyes. Charlotte 's nun's robes are lewdly torn away and her juicy fruit is played with, and Melkis looks down with pleasure on her. A cry of "Put on your holy garments!" trembles the air. Her shapely breasts sway and her buttocks are thrust out. She grasps a gun that appears from the light in her left hand and a sword that also appears in her right hand. Five minutes later, the noble female exorcist finds herself covered in white liquid.