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69 Itsuwari no Bishou – Episode 1

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You are currently watching 69 Itsuwari no Bishou – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 48071 people watched this episode.

69 Itsuwari no Bishou – Episode 1


Alternate Title: 69~偽りの微笑~ ~性認欲求~

Release Date: 2024/02/22

A girl with excellent grades, a modest personality, and a beautiful smile. Midori Aoi, a hard-working smiling woman who is putting in her best efforts to produce her work.Today , Midori smiles a lot and enjoys the blissful moment of being cheered on by not only the opposite sex but also the same sex, but she has a lot of good things going on. death. Due to an unexpected mistake in the results of the exam the other day, she suddenly falls far from her normal position. Midori panics and takes measures as her hard work up until now is all for naught. She manages to come within one step, but her opponent is her homeroom teacher and is rumored to be an idiot, Izumi Kuwabara. However, the method she unintentionally used against an opponent who was more formidable than she imagined was... this is the teacher's fiancée, Mr. Yoshimura.What is being played on the smartphone that Midori is holding up is her fiancé Maho Yoshimura having fun with multiple students. Scene: Midori, who gets involved in a dangerous negotiation, is suddenly faced with Izumi's changing hands and exposed cock... 成績優秀で控えめな性格で奥ゆかしくて笑顔が素敵な女の子。を必死の努力で演出している苦労人微笑女・蒼井翠 今日も散々笑顔を振りまき、異性のみならず同性から持て囃される至福の一時を味わう翠であったが好事魔多し。 先日の試験結果が思わぬミスで定位置からは程遠い急降下 今までの苦労が無に帰す事態に慌てて方策する翠は何とか後一歩の所まで来たものの相手は担任でヘタレな噂の桑原和泉 しかし、想像以上に手ごわい相手に思わず使った手段は…… こ、これ、先生の婚約者で、吉村先生ですよね 翠が掲げるスマホに流れているのは婚約者の吉村真帆が複数の生徒と楽しむ場面 危険な交渉に手を染めてしまう翠にもたらされたのは、豹変する和泉の張り手と剥き出しの肉棒…… スイスイと上手く世渡ってきた翠が、自らの失態に気付くのは、屹立する肉棒が深々と初物の蕾をこじ開け捩じり込まれた痛みを感じた時であった…… Midori, who has been able to move smoothly through the world, suddenly realizes her mistake. That's when I felt the pain of my cock being forced deep into my first bud...

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