You are now watching Yuusha-hime Milia – Episode 2 online on HentaiWorld.TV
You are currently watching Yuusha-hime Milia – Episode 2 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 36437 people watched this episode.

Studio: Majin Petit
Alternate Title: 勇者姫ミリア 第二話 知識の園で情報収集! アカデミアのエッチな授業!
Release Date: 2024/02/22
Ugh, uh...I'm the hero princess...why do I have to lose my first time to a mob character like this...? ...Hmm? Huh? But this is the duty of a hero, so it's a good thing, right? I mean, is there a goddess in your head? That's what I'm saying too... Okay, I don't really understand, but let's gather ourselves and leave! ``The adventure of the brave Milia has begun!'' The adventure is full of ups and downs, such as defeating a small-time troll in a cool manner and coming to the academia in search of treasure information! After all, a hero’s journey has to be like this! So, what? Don't I get naughty looks all over the place? What the incredibly beautiful hero princess finds is a sturdy suit of armor! ...Even though it's supposed to be. Is that it? Aren't these tight-fitting bloomers? うっ、うぅ……ボクは、勇者姫なのに……なんでこんなモブキャラに、初めてを奪われなきゃいけないんだよぉ……。 ……ん、あれ? でもこれは勇者の務めだから、イイコトなんだよね? だって、頭の中で女神様? も、そう言ってるし……。 よしっ、よくわかんないけど、気を取り直して出発するぞ! 「勇者ミリアの冒険、始まりだー!」 村でクソ雑魚トロールをかっこよくぶっ倒したり、お宝の情報を求めてアカデミアに来たりと、冒険は波乱万丈! やっぱり勇者の旅はこうでなくっちゃ! って、あれ? なんかボク、そこらじゅうでエッチな目にあってない? 超絶美○女の勇者姫が見につけるのは、頑丈な甲冑服!……なはずなのに。 あれれ? これって、 ピチピチサイズで窮屈なブルマ服じゃない?