You are now watching Bishoku-ke no Rule – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV
You are currently watching Bishoku-ke no Rule – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 16118 people watched this episode.
Studio: nur
Alternate Title: 卑触家のルール ~不適切な巡り合せ~
Release Date: 2024/11/29
How much would you pay for me? Kirigamine Reina, a pretty girl who looks serious in her clothes, consults with a friend about earning some pocket money to ease the burden on her single mother Miho, who is raising her child. Her first encounter was on a social networking site that she was told about as a quick way to do it. The last- minute negotiations, using her own funds, quickly collapsed with further charges and sweet words. Her cute underwear exposed in the park toilet was a prelude to the old man harassment... Although it was for the sake of her family, she returned home to find the man from before waiting for her... The man she was introduced to was her uncle, Watarase Yuuma, a businessman, and he had already promised to help her raise her daughters. Of course, they met knowing about Reina's situation... Reina was unaware of this and complained that Yuuma was approaching her, calling her a disrespectful daughter, but she was powerless in front of the old man harassment bastard who was just looking for sex... 私のコトいくらで買ってくれますか? 真面目が服を着ているような可憐な「霧ケ峰伶那」 独り手で育ててくれるママ「未帆」へ負担を軽くするためにも自分で小遣い稼ぎと友人に相談 手っ取り早くと教えてもらった交流サイトで得た初めての出会い 自らを元手にギリギリでの応相談は、更なる上乗せと甘い言葉に呆気なく瓦解 公園のトイレで晒す可愛い下着はオジハラへの布石となってしまった…… 家族の為とはいえ多少の後ろめたさと共に帰宅した先で待っていたのは先ほどのオトコ…… 紹介されたそれは、伯父である「渡良瀬悠真」 実業家で、娘達を育てる為の援助もすでに確約済み。当然伶那のコトも承知の上での出会い…… そんな事は露知らず親不孝なコトと詰り近づく悠真に文句で抵抗の伶那であったが ヤリモクのオジハラ野郎の前ではあまりに無力であった……