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Reginetta-san no Bouken – Episode 2

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You are currently watching Reginetta-san no Bouken – Episode 2 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 12958 people watched this episode.

Reginetta-san no Bouken – Episode 2


Alternate Title: リジネッタさんの冒険 第2話 いざ魔界の深淵へ! 謎のキノコと闇の女王

Release Date: 2024/11/29

Hello to those who are new to me and those who already know me! It's me! I'm the cutest, smartest, prettiest robot girl, Lisinetta! While investigating the ruins on a deserted island, I was informed of the shocking truth and the existence of the culprit. Seriously! I was just on vacation, but it's another big adventure! Thus, when I opened the door to the ruins, I found myself in a barren wilderness and a world with a sinister atmosphere... "So this is the demon world!?" What a connection to the demon world! Of course monsters are rampant! After overcoming numerous deadly battles with numerous enemies, I finally reached the deepest part! It's a severe punishment for the bad guys who interrupted my vacation! The door to the ruins leads to a sinister demon world. After overcoming numerous deadly battles with numerous enemies (H), what do I reach?! はじめましての方もご存知の方もこんにちは!私です! 最○で可愛く賢い美○女ロボ子、リジネッタさんです! 無人島の遺跡を調査していたら、驚愕の真実と元凶の存在を知らされました。 まったく!私はただバカンスに来ただけなのに、またしても大冒険ですよ! かくして遺跡の扉を開いた先は、不毛な荒野と禍々しい雰囲気が漂う世界…… 「つまりここ、魔界ってことですか!?」 魔界と繋げるとはなんてことを! そりゃモンスターも蔓延りますよ! 数々の○敵との死闘を乗り越え、そしてついに最深部へ! 私のバカンスを邪魔した悪者にはきっついお仕置きです! 遺跡の扉、その先に繋がる禍々しい雰囲気の魔界。 数々の○敵との死闘(H)を乗り越え、たどり着いた先には!?

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