You are now watching Shuumatsu Hospital – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV
You are currently watching Shuumatsu Hospital – Episode 1 online on HentaiWorld.TV. 28347 people watched this episode.
Studio: nur
Alternate Title: 終末ホスピタル ~天使のアレ~
Release Date: 2024/05/31
The sound of high-pitched shoes echoing through the ward late at night , and behind the secretly closed door, the figure of ``Misuzu Akao'' is seen putting away the reward in her pocket and handling the bare feet... On the day when Misuzu is in charge, there is a high probability that she will Her colleagues, Rika Souhama and Mie Nakamaru, become suspicious of the situation... Hirika, who works the night shift together on rotation , and Misuzu, who goes on patrol . Misuzu leaves to follow Mie's fiancé, Shinichi, who is the doctor on call. She walks down a quiet hallway and ends up in the private room where Mie's fiancé suddenly had to enter due to illness. At the other end of the door is Rika. What I see is... 深夜の病棟に響き渡る甲高い靴音 こっそりと閉まる扉の内側では、ポケットに報酬を仕舞い、剥き出しの屹立を扱いていく「赤尾未鈴」の姿が…… そんな未鈴の担当日には、確率高く訪れるのが緊急連絡 同僚である「宗浜璃香」、「中丸美恵」の二人はそんな状況に不審を抱くことに…… ローテーションで一緒になった夜勤の日 璃香は、巡回へと赴く未鈴を追うべく宿直医である婚約者の真一に後を任せ離れる ひっそりした廊下を進む未鈴がたどり着く先は、美恵の婚約者が突然の病魔で入ることになった個室 その扉の先で璃香が見てしまうのは……