You are now reading Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado [Review] online on HentaiWorld.TV
The story of Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado begins with a voice over in the background narrating through the timeline of events that was happening showing a small fox trapped in coil-spring trap which was set by someone and its seen in an injured state bleeding, helpless lying on the snow in pain after some time an old man shows up and helps the fox and tends to its injury then gives some meat to it. (lmao like some actual meat you degenerates lol wholesome moment in a hentai? Idk about it, this kinda seems more like a parody than an actual hentai till here..)
Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado is not everyone’s cup of tea as it has a very specific kink going on in the hentai I feel like it has good enough animations and is great with sound but it didn’t feel like it’s up to where it could have been, it is light hearted and comedic at times and fox girl is great but the supporting background casts are old perverted men. It is a good watch for people who have certain kinks but could have had been better if certain aspects were to target the cultured weebs as a whole, its plot is palatable but the secondary casts could have been written better, undoubtedly plot with a fox girl is mouth watering for us cultured weebs but as i said earlier it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and is not on par to its potential of where it could have been. So without further ado, let’s have a look at the summary of the first episode belonging to this hentai.
Episode 1:
The episode begins with a fox being rescued by a old kind hearted man who saves her by setting it free from the trap and giving it some meat, the scene cuts to the fox being fond of the old man and wanting to see him again and repay his kindness that he shown towards her and to thank him for what he did, feeling that strong sense of duty she begins to give offering on a small shrine and wishes to see the old man again. The god watches her diligent non-stop effort that she was making, wishing she could repay him, then the god acknowledges her wish and grants her wish by turning it into a fox girl.
After the transformation she is surprised but she is happy that now she can thank the old man properly so she follows the scent of the old man and ends up near a hot-spring resort then she sniffs around for the scent and spots the old man lying on the snow taking his final breath, the girl reaches near him and asks if he is alright, the old man stares at her and immediately asks if she is the fox that he saved ironically then he proceeds to ask her if she could take the responsibility of his resort. (Can’t believe that was his dying wish)
Now to which as a result of her being the new proprietress of the resort without any experience or humanly common sense, making her rely on searching ways to run the resort and look after it smoothly. (Can she figure it out, could she do her duties properly without running into trouble, i can’t say lol soo tune into the episode to find out yourself >o<)
Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado has a different approach regarding the hentai weather it be sexually or story wise, it has a touch of innocence to what the character is doing while being clueless of everything and slowly learning the human norms while retaining the animal instincts of mating. The story feels like a wholesome anime gone wrong and turned into a hentai unfortunately, it did have potential in it but couldn’t be as great as it could have been i feel like in my opinion. It has the mainstream hentai plot vibes to it with a clueless female lead obeying everything that other humans teach her so she could run the business and keep her promise to the deceased old man. The plot feels kinda lacking the spice that gets weebs riled up, i mean like there is a fox girl that gets shit going but it wasn’t used to its utmost potential if i had to say so myself.
The storyline felt average vanilla hentai vibes with a lot of unnecessary secondary cast guiding the story so it felt like the feels which it could have given got derailed by secondary events drawing it back from reaching the heights of success it could have had. The characters shown were portrayed very poorly, felt like watching a repeat animation that was kept on loop limited to little conversation then sex and again convo then sex and the cycle kept on repeat so that made the story feel boring without any development in the story, we do see the nene chan learning more about how humans do things and a bit of development of her character but anything else felt stale and lacking excitement. The rating for the story under this hentai would be 4 out of 10 for the plot.
There is a single female lead that is a fox and some background characters whose faces we don’t even see, character development and story development were lacking massively, didn’t feel much personality from any characters maybe due to them being old perverted man and a clueless fox girl that just obeys whatever she is told to do, so didn’t see much personality wise for any character involved in it. The lead is just horny and learns something as if she feels like she likes whatever she is said to follow by the customer. Didn’t feel anything unique, loveable or freaky type thing that would make you open your mouth and wish it was you instead of them. I mean like the character is cute fox girl but there is all that to it and nothing new, nothing exciting that would make you go woah! awesome and make you want to pull your pants down and jerk off to it, it was bland and boring same old vanilla sex but with fox girls and old perverted men.
The character score would be 5 out of 10.
This particular hentai can be praised only for its sound and can be loved only for its fox girl as a lead. The animation and art felt average from the beginning to the end. The visual aspect of the hentai is very average, its fluidity in animation was very poor and felt repeated animation that was kept on a loop at certain times. I think viewer engagement in this hentai may be low due to its repetitive nature. The color palette is also not that good and extra-ordinary. The intimate scenes are also very averagely made and it feels like they are specifically created for certain kinks in mind for enjoyment of a certain number of the audience. The aesthetics of the art and animation of this hentai score 5.5 out of 10.
- The sound was good.
- Comedic value is provided
- The storyline average vanilla type if you enjoy vanilla
- The episodes didn’t feel engaging enough
- The plot could use some more clarity
- The sexual intercourse scenes could have been more better with more fluidity
- The angles on sexual scenes could have been portrayed from a better perspective to get full viewers satisfaction
- Characters definitely could have had their own notable moments
- There were looping of scenes and animations felt average
The Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado hentai is one of the hentai which lies on the average end of the spectrum. It is a good hentai with a lot of potential overall but has many loopholes and not enough story weight. It only fulfills the expectations of a certain number of audience for most of the aspects in the episode. Animation, story, characters could use some work and could have been better portrayed. This hentai is a one time go type of hentai if you are looking for some certain kinks with vanilla then it’s for you or else it’s gonna feel super average. Slutty fox girl fucked by old perverted men kinda feels like a genre that’s targeted to only a handful of people so it’s definitely one time hentai for me, you might enjoy it if you are into certain things as for the enjoyment score i would give this hentai an overall score of 4.5 out of 10 for the enjoyment.
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![Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado [Review] Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado [Review]](
Review Author: Zreallie
Animation Score: 5.5
Characters Score: 5
Plot Score: 4
Enjoyment Score: 4.5